McL Guitars製Black1 Cloneに搭載されていたKlein Pickupsになります。今となってはとても希少なストラトキャスター用ピックアップです。あのジョンメイヤーの名曲を奏でた音色に一番近いと言われるこのピックアップ、早い者勝ちです! よろしくお願いいたします!※音出し確認済み※当方、非喫煙環境です※簡易的なクリーニングは行っております※即購入OKです※値下げは致しかねます※値下げ交渉の旨のメッセージをお送りいただいても回答いたしかねます。Klein Pickups that were installed in the McL Guitars Black1. This is a very rare pickup these days. This pickup, which is said to be closest to the tone that played that famous John Mayer's song, will be sale on a first-come, first-served basis! thank you!*Sound output has been confirmed.*We are in a non-smoking environment.*We do some simple cleaning.*Immediate purchase OK*We cannot offer price reductions.*We will not be able to respond even if you send us a message requesting a price reduction negotiation.#JohnMayer #Black1 #Blackone #Pickups #Stratocaster #McLGuitars #KleinPickups #Fender #SRV