FINAL FANTASY VJAPAN PRINT RELEASE ON 1992VGA GRADED 85+ ARCHIVAL CASE鑑定機関により未開封と判定された品ですReturns are not accepted.The hottest Japanese video game in the world right now. Japanese video games have a long history, but have only recently been gaining global attention. Among them, the Final Fantasy series is one of the most famous RPG series in Japan. As of 2024, a total of 16 titles have been released, and this is the fifth title. It was released in 1992 as a video game for the Super Famicom (the Japanese version of SNES) by Squaresoft (now Square Enix), and sold 2.4 million copies in Japan. However, most of them have been opened and played by people. Now that it has been released more than 30 years, collectors will understand how valuable this item is, having been awarded the GOLD label by VGA. Are you a collector? If so, you should definitely put this piece, deeply engraved in the history of Japanese video games, on your shelf!ファイナルファンタジーFF5スーパーファミコンVGA 鑑定WATA 鑑定CGC 鑑定鑑定